9 Liquids To Increase Iron Levels

Spinach Juice

Freshly squeezed spinach juice is packed with iron, vitamins, and minerals, making it an excellent choice for boosting iron levels.

Beetroot Juice

Beetroot juice is not only rich in iron but also in other essential nutrients like folate and vitamin C, which enhance iron absorption.

Prune Juice

Prune juice is a natural laxative and is also high in iron, making it a beneficial choice for improving iron levels, especially for those with constipation.

Tomato Juice

Tomato juice contains a moderate amount of iron and is also rich in vitamin C, which aids in iron absorption.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice is packed with iron, antioxidants, and vitamins, making it a nutritious option for increasing iron intake.


Blackstrap molasses is a concentrated source of iron, providing a significant amount in just a small serving. It can be added to beverages or used in cooking and baking.

Plant-Based Milk

Many plant-based milk alternatives, such as almond milk or soy milk, are fortified with iron and other nutrients, making them suitable options for individuals.

Bone Broth

Bone broth is a rich source of iron, as well as other essential minerals like calcium and magnesium, making it a nourishing choice for increasing iron levels.

Green Smoothies

Blending leafy greens like spinach or kale with fruits and liquid bases like water or coconut water can create nutrient-packed green smoothies that are high in iron.